I've seen the mist and missed the scene
Yay! Life's looking brighter!
Spring's on it's way, strong winds sweep Sweden clean of darkness and unhappiness and replace them with sunshine, friends and happy thoughts!
And it's about fucking time! This has been the longest and darkest winter ever.
Jill and Acke are back from a lovely holiday on the Canary Islands! I've missed you!!!
Been working my arse off for the last couple of months, got a new schedule now that seems alright though!
Went to Västerås to see Josephine las week, we had a great time! Lay on the sofa in our jimmy-jams with duvets and sweets. Just chillin. She has started her own blog for plus size girls, which I'm sure will turn out great! Check out link below.
Hiro's gotten really big! He's really cuddly when we're alone, but as soon as I have guests he turns into a cheeky son of a bitch. He's a proper attention whore! But I LOVE him to bits!!! He's on my lap right now, purring!
I'm so happy that Jill's home! I missed her sooo much! We spent last night drinking and enjoying ourselves, moved on with Acke to Johan's (and Bamme) and played some poker (my first time), then went to a "party" at one of my friends' house. McDonald's kicked ass!
We were invited to dinner at Johan's today. Great food! Watched zombie-movie... Not so great.
No Nova tomorrow...
I have the whole day tomorrow off. Hope the sun will come out!
Marika's finally coming home in a month! Really looking forward to that! I miss her loads!!!
I think that's pretty much all I can muster for now. I'll be back! Hang in there!
Love! CatXXX
Spring's on it's way, strong winds sweep Sweden clean of darkness and unhappiness and replace them with sunshine, friends and happy thoughts!
And it's about fucking time! This has been the longest and darkest winter ever.
Jill and Acke are back from a lovely holiday on the Canary Islands! I've missed you!!!
Been working my arse off for the last couple of months, got a new schedule now that seems alright though!
Went to Västerås to see Josephine las week, we had a great time! Lay on the sofa in our jimmy-jams with duvets and sweets. Just chillin. She has started her own blog for plus size girls, which I'm sure will turn out great! Check out link below.
Hiro's gotten really big! He's really cuddly when we're alone, but as soon as I have guests he turns into a cheeky son of a bitch. He's a proper attention whore! But I LOVE him to bits!!! He's on my lap right now, purring!
I'm so happy that Jill's home! I missed her sooo much! We spent last night drinking and enjoying ourselves, moved on with Acke to Johan's (and Bamme) and played some poker (my first time), then went to a "party" at one of my friends' house. McDonald's kicked ass!
We were invited to dinner at Johan's today. Great food! Watched zombie-movie... Not so great.
No Nova tomorrow...
I have the whole day tomorrow off. Hope the sun will come out!
Marika's finally coming home in a month! Really looking forward to that! I miss her loads!!!
I think that's pretty much all I can muster for now. I'll be back! Hang in there!
Love! CatXXX
Jag är tröttast i hela världen!
Och hungrig.
Jill och Acke åker på romantisk utlandsresa ^-^
Jag åker till Josse på Alla Hjärtans Dag!
Lost har börjat igen.
Nästa vecka börjar Top Model.
Och jag har köpt nya skor!
Och hungrig.
Jill och Acke åker på romantisk utlandsresa ^-^
Jag åker till Josse på Alla Hjärtans Dag!
Lost har börjat igen.
Nästa vecka börjar Top Model.
Och jag har köpt nya skor!
Längtans grymma grepp om hjärtat.
Gah jag har ont i magen!
Efter att ha läst Marikas blogg kan jag inte sluta tänka på London...
Jag skulle kunna börja gråta nu, så mycket längtar jag tillbaka.
Sitter inne på londonsvenskar.com och kollat på annonser av folk som söker flatmates och om vad man ska tänka på och och allt sånt.
Och jag flyger i en tidsmaskin tillbaka till den här dagen fast två år bakåt, 2006, då jag satt inne på samma hemsida och letade efter användbara tips och efter vänner. Jag lade ut en thread där jag sökte folk som bodde i Woking-området. Fick svar av en tjej som hette Josephine och vi kom överens om att vi skulle blindträffas i Kingston.
Och vi har hängt ihop sedan dess. Jag ska åka till Västerås om två veckor och hälsa på henne. Jag saknar tiden då vi träffades varje helg och drack Starbucks och åt KFC, köpte billig sprit på Tesco, dansade till skön R n' B på Yates', gick på Stomp, solade i Hyde Park, umgicks med våra pojkar...
Jag har sagt hela mitt liv att jag föddes på fel plats. Jag känner i mitt hjärta att det är i England jag ska vara. När tiden är mogen, kommer jag flytta tillbaks dit och leva resten av mitt liv där. Följ med mej vettja!!!
Jag ska komma på en plan. För jag måste dit. Jag känner mej trasig och har gjort det väldigt länge nu, som en av dom där störda personerna som känner att de måste få en arm eller ett ben bortamputerat. Fast som om något jag verkligen behövde blev amputerat och jag verkligen verkligen behöver det tillbaka! Så känner jag mej...
Fram tills nu har jag inte vetat varför jag känt mej så olycklig. Det känns redan bättre!
Citat ur en artikel av en kille som var tvungen att flytta tillbaks till Sverige ett par månader:
"Jag saknade stöket, larmet, föroreningarna, pubarna, vännerna, utelivet, kufarna, ölsorterna, lukten av tunnelbanan på morgonen, känslan av solen i ansiktet i Hyde Park, de goda smörgåsarna, en riktig engelsk frukost med bönor på toast serverad över disk i ett kletigt café, en riktig fish'n'chips, en äkta indisk måltid nere i White Chapel, de vänliga och hjälpsamma engelsmännen, att kunna köpa lite vin klockan 10 på kvällen, sitta i en park och röka en spliff, promenera vid sidan av Themsen i Hammersmith, fönstershoppa en söndagseftermiddag i Covent Garden, sätta sig på Starbucks på Carnaby Street med en enorm halvliters kaffe och titta på folk, att jobba i en klar och tydlig hierarki på jobbet, snacka om senaste avsnittet av Eastenders med jobbarkompisarna, leta efter en billig mini-cab klockan 2 på natten utanför en okänd klubb där du sett några kändisar, följa med en bekantskap på en konsert med något obskyrt band uppe i Camden Town, sitta och softa i soffan i en kompis mögelangripna lägenhet, fira drottningen som hon förtjänar att firas, känna regnet när det står som spön i backen för att sedan försvinna till en kall och fuktig dimma...."
Jag förstår precis. Aj, min mage......
Efter att ha läst Marikas blogg kan jag inte sluta tänka på London...
Jag skulle kunna börja gråta nu, så mycket längtar jag tillbaka.
Sitter inne på londonsvenskar.com och kollat på annonser av folk som söker flatmates och om vad man ska tänka på och och allt sånt.
Och jag flyger i en tidsmaskin tillbaka till den här dagen fast två år bakåt, 2006, då jag satt inne på samma hemsida och letade efter användbara tips och efter vänner. Jag lade ut en thread där jag sökte folk som bodde i Woking-området. Fick svar av en tjej som hette Josephine och vi kom överens om att vi skulle blindträffas i Kingston.
Och vi har hängt ihop sedan dess. Jag ska åka till Västerås om två veckor och hälsa på henne. Jag saknar tiden då vi träffades varje helg och drack Starbucks och åt KFC, köpte billig sprit på Tesco, dansade till skön R n' B på Yates', gick på Stomp, solade i Hyde Park, umgicks med våra pojkar...
Jag har sagt hela mitt liv att jag föddes på fel plats. Jag känner i mitt hjärta att det är i England jag ska vara. När tiden är mogen, kommer jag flytta tillbaks dit och leva resten av mitt liv där. Följ med mej vettja!!!
Jag ska komma på en plan. För jag måste dit. Jag känner mej trasig och har gjort det väldigt länge nu, som en av dom där störda personerna som känner att de måste få en arm eller ett ben bortamputerat. Fast som om något jag verkligen behövde blev amputerat och jag verkligen verkligen behöver det tillbaka! Så känner jag mej...
Fram tills nu har jag inte vetat varför jag känt mej så olycklig. Det känns redan bättre!
Citat ur en artikel av en kille som var tvungen att flytta tillbaks till Sverige ett par månader:
"Jag saknade stöket, larmet, föroreningarna, pubarna, vännerna, utelivet, kufarna, ölsorterna, lukten av tunnelbanan på morgonen, känslan av solen i ansiktet i Hyde Park, de goda smörgåsarna, en riktig engelsk frukost med bönor på toast serverad över disk i ett kletigt café, en riktig fish'n'chips, en äkta indisk måltid nere i White Chapel, de vänliga och hjälpsamma engelsmännen, att kunna köpa lite vin klockan 10 på kvällen, sitta i en park och röka en spliff, promenera vid sidan av Themsen i Hammersmith, fönstershoppa en söndagseftermiddag i Covent Garden, sätta sig på Starbucks på Carnaby Street med en enorm halvliters kaffe och titta på folk, att jobba i en klar och tydlig hierarki på jobbet, snacka om senaste avsnittet av Eastenders med jobbarkompisarna, leta efter en billig mini-cab klockan 2 på natten utanför en okänd klubb där du sett några kändisar, följa med en bekantskap på en konsert med något obskyrt band uppe i Camden Town, sitta och softa i soffan i en kompis mögelangripna lägenhet, fira drottningen som hon förtjänar att firas, känna regnet när det står som spön i backen för att sedan försvinna till en kall och fuktig dimma...."
Jag förstår precis. Aj, min mage......
Touché, Magic Hallway.
Just a shitload of Scrubs quotes really, enjoy:
Janitor: I swear on my unborn fishboy she will pay.
Dr.Cox: Lady, people aren't chocolates. Do you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard coated bastards with bastard filling. But I don't find them half as annoying as I do naive bubbleheaded optimists who walk around vomitting sunshine.
J.D.: Why are we lying in the parking lot?
Turk: Your hook shot knocked you unconscious and I lied down next to you so everybody would think we were chillin'.
J.D.: Oh. Thanks S.C.B. By the way I should tell you something. I found an apartment and I'm moving out the day after tomorrow.
Turk: Wow. What does S.C.B. mean?
J.D.: Super. Chocolate. Bear.
Turk: I love it.
Ted: And you know what else? I quit!
Dr. Kelso: No you don't!
Ted: Well I'm leaving early today!
Dr. Kelso: No, you're not! You're coming back to my office to do busy work!
Ted: Fine, but I'm getting a soda first!
Dr. Kelso: Whatever.
Kelso: Hey there Sport.
3-year-old Jack Cox: Your face is wrinkly.
Kelso: Yeah? Well that shirt your wearing is gay.
Med. Student: Dr. Jerk!
J.D.(to turk): Ohohoh.. she just called you Dr. Jerk!!
Turk: Well.. too bad you never heard what she said about Dr. Mickhead.
JD: What?
Todd(thoughts): Turk's bummed, he definitely needs a high five, but which one?? Tough break five, chin up five, need a hug five, need a tuck five..? What the hell is he saying?? Never mind just take the last words he says and add a five to it.
Turk: .... I dunno man, it all seems kinda unfair.
Todd: Unfair five.
Turk: Thanks man, you always know the right thing to say.
Todd: I work hard on that.
J.D.: [voiceover] I knew Dr. Casey now pretty well, everyday he goes to his first patient's room and touches every single thing in there...
Dr. Kevin Casey: [touching things] Bink, Bink, Bink, Bink, Bink...
Dr. Kelso: Dr. Casey, your patients are complaining about a noise in your wing.
Dr. Kevin Casey: [pokes Dr. Kelso on the nose] Bink.
Dr. Kelso: Dr. CASEY! Your patients!
Dr. Kevin Casey: If the noise is bink then I can explain...
Dr. Kelso: IT'S NOT BINK!
Dr. Kelso: I got you a present for your trip to Mexico. It's my old Spanish to English dictionary. I don't need it anymore, I've mastered the language.
Dr. Clock: Gracias, Señor.
Dr. Kelso: You're welcomo.
Dr. Cox: I suppose I could riff a list of things that I care as little about as our last week together. Lemme see, uhh... Low-carb diets. Michael Moore. The Republican National Convention. Kabbalah and all Kabbalah-related products. Hi-def TV, the Bush daughters, wireless hot spots, 'The O.C.', the U.N., recycling, getting Punk'd, Danny Gans, the Latin Grammys, the real Grammys. Jeff, that Wiggle who sleeps too darn much! The Yankees payroll, all the red states, all the blue states, every hybrid car, every talk show host! Everything on the planet, everything in the solar system, everything everything everything everything everything everything - eve - everything that exists - past, present and future, in all discovered and undiscovered dimensions... Oh! And Hugh Jackman.
JD: Hugh Jackman's Wolverine! How dare he.
Kelso: And why are you standing here doing nothing?"
Janitor: I know this is a slowdown, but...I cant' really work any slower than I normally do, so I pretty much have to come to a complete stop. Now, If you're asking why I'm standing here, specifically, it's because, I replaced that light bulb with a tanning bulb. I'm tired of being the only white guy at my mosque.
Janitor: Knife-Wrench!!! For kids...
Dr.Cox: What with Barbie here being ridiculously book-smart to the point where she has almost no interpersonal skills and you being warm and cuddly as an un-potty trained labradoodle and about as useful in high-stress medical situations as an un-potty trained labradoodle, *together* the two of you make one barely passable doctor... slash labradoodle.
Janitor: You know, loose debris can get sucked up into the air conditioning vents. And when that happens, I have to spend the entire day crawling around inside the wall, and I don't like that. You know why? 'Cause there's not enough air. I spent a day inside that wall thinking I was a mermaid. So here's the thing: you don't throw around loose trash, and I won't have to waste an entire workday granting the wishes of imaginary fisherman. 'Kay?
The Todd: Oh, Ms. Pac-Man, I would sex that bow right off your head. Eat those dots, you naughty, naughty girl.
Carla: Why is there a pancake in the silverware drawer?
Turk: I think you mean, why is there silverware in the pancake drawer? Whassup!
Dr. Cox: Carla, I have a six-month-old child. I'm gonna be one of those weird old guys who brings my son down to the park, where everybody is like, Hmm, is he the dad? Is he the grand-dad? Is he the grand-dad's grand-dad? And, oh, my God! Why is he pushing a traffic cone on the swing while his five-year-old little boy is in the mud crying? Is--is he taunting the little boy? No! He can't even see the little boy! And, now look, he's actually taking the traffic cone, putting it in the mini-van, and driving away while the little boy cries and the traffic cone sits quietly and watches 'Finding Nemo' on DVD.
Bored, at work, loving Scrubs. This is a tribute. I dunno what to say... :D
Janitor: I swear on my unborn fishboy she will pay.
Dr.Cox: Lady, people aren't chocolates. Do you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard coated bastards with bastard filling. But I don't find them half as annoying as I do naive bubbleheaded optimists who walk around vomitting sunshine.
J.D.: Why are we lying in the parking lot?
Turk: Your hook shot knocked you unconscious and I lied down next to you so everybody would think we were chillin'.
J.D.: Oh. Thanks S.C.B. By the way I should tell you something. I found an apartment and I'm moving out the day after tomorrow.
Turk: Wow. What does S.C.B. mean?
J.D.: Super. Chocolate. Bear.
Turk: I love it.
Ted: And you know what else? I quit!
Dr. Kelso: No you don't!
Ted: Well I'm leaving early today!
Dr. Kelso: No, you're not! You're coming back to my office to do busy work!
Ted: Fine, but I'm getting a soda first!
Dr. Kelso: Whatever.
Kelso: Hey there Sport.
3-year-old Jack Cox: Your face is wrinkly.
Kelso: Yeah? Well that shirt your wearing is gay.
Med. Student: Dr. Jerk!
J.D.(to turk): Ohohoh.. she just called you Dr. Jerk!!
Turk: Well.. too bad you never heard what she said about Dr. Mickhead.
JD: What?
Todd(thoughts): Turk's bummed, he definitely needs a high five, but which one?? Tough break five, chin up five, need a hug five, need a tuck five..? What the hell is he saying?? Never mind just take the last words he says and add a five to it.
Turk: .... I dunno man, it all seems kinda unfair.
Todd: Unfair five.
Turk: Thanks man, you always know the right thing to say.
Todd: I work hard on that.
J.D.: [voiceover] I knew Dr. Casey now pretty well, everyday he goes to his first patient's room and touches every single thing in there...
Dr. Kevin Casey: [touching things] Bink, Bink, Bink, Bink, Bink...
Dr. Kelso: Dr. Casey, your patients are complaining about a noise in your wing.
Dr. Kevin Casey: [pokes Dr. Kelso on the nose] Bink.
Dr. Kelso: Dr. CASEY! Your patients!
Dr. Kevin Casey: If the noise is bink then I can explain...
Dr. Kelso: IT'S NOT BINK!
Dr. Kelso: I got you a present for your trip to Mexico. It's my old Spanish to English dictionary. I don't need it anymore, I've mastered the language.
Dr. Clock: Gracias, Señor.
Dr. Kelso: You're welcomo.
Dr. Cox: I suppose I could riff a list of things that I care as little about as our last week together. Lemme see, uhh... Low-carb diets. Michael Moore. The Republican National Convention. Kabbalah and all Kabbalah-related products. Hi-def TV, the Bush daughters, wireless hot spots, 'The O.C.', the U.N., recycling, getting Punk'd, Danny Gans, the Latin Grammys, the real Grammys. Jeff, that Wiggle who sleeps too darn much! The Yankees payroll, all the red states, all the blue states, every hybrid car, every talk show host! Everything on the planet, everything in the solar system, everything everything everything everything everything everything - eve - everything that exists - past, present and future, in all discovered and undiscovered dimensions... Oh! And Hugh Jackman.
JD: Hugh Jackman's Wolverine! How dare he.
Kelso: And why are you standing here doing nothing?"
Janitor: I know this is a slowdown, but...I cant' really work any slower than I normally do, so I pretty much have to come to a complete stop. Now, If you're asking why I'm standing here, specifically, it's because, I replaced that light bulb with a tanning bulb. I'm tired of being the only white guy at my mosque.
Janitor: Knife-Wrench!!! For kids...
Dr.Cox: What with Barbie here being ridiculously book-smart to the point where she has almost no interpersonal skills and you being warm and cuddly as an un-potty trained labradoodle and about as useful in high-stress medical situations as an un-potty trained labradoodle, *together* the two of you make one barely passable doctor... slash labradoodle.
Janitor: You know, loose debris can get sucked up into the air conditioning vents. And when that happens, I have to spend the entire day crawling around inside the wall, and I don't like that. You know why? 'Cause there's not enough air. I spent a day inside that wall thinking I was a mermaid. So here's the thing: you don't throw around loose trash, and I won't have to waste an entire workday granting the wishes of imaginary fisherman. 'Kay?
The Todd: Oh, Ms. Pac-Man, I would sex that bow right off your head. Eat those dots, you naughty, naughty girl.
Carla: Why is there a pancake in the silverware drawer?
Turk: I think you mean, why is there silverware in the pancake drawer? Whassup!
Dr. Cox: Carla, I have a six-month-old child. I'm gonna be one of those weird old guys who brings my son down to the park, where everybody is like, Hmm, is he the dad? Is he the grand-dad? Is he the grand-dad's grand-dad? And, oh, my God! Why is he pushing a traffic cone on the swing while his five-year-old little boy is in the mud crying? Is--is he taunting the little boy? No! He can't even see the little boy! And, now look, he's actually taking the traffic cone, putting it in the mini-van, and driving away while the little boy cries and the traffic cone sits quietly and watches 'Finding Nemo' on DVD.
Bored, at work, loving Scrubs. This is a tribute. I dunno what to say... :D