Ajm rajting in Inglish tunajt!
Refreshing, innit?! ; )
So, where to begin? It's been a while since I last updated my blog, as people keep reminding me of ; ) (I do appreciate the fact that people care!)
Thursday I took the train to Västerås to see Josephine and her new tattoo (wich was wicked btw). We went out clubbing and saw Million Stylez perform. We danced with him on stage to the song 'Miss Fatty'! He's quite hot : )
Had a really lazy friday. We went and bought some sweets and crisps to have later that evening. Then we remembered that we were gonna go to this Studio 54- inspired party, but we couldn't be bothered... We just stepped by to say hi and ended up talking to this REALLY weird bloke who was wearing a lilac, furry, zebra striped pimp outfit with matching hat, cane and bling! He was so fucking awkward!!!!
Said bye to Marlene (party arranger and mate) and hurried back home.
We got home, put our jimmy jams on and watched a film about Crumping called 'Rize' and some other movie called 'Havoc'.
Saturday (Easter). Spent six and a half hours shoppning in Västerås' centrum while J. was at work. Later, Josephine's boyfriend, older sister, her boyfriend, Josephine's younger sister and their parents came over and we had a huge taco dinner! It was lovely! Later that evening we went to the pub to have a couple of drinks!
(Funny how people in Västerås talk to me like this when they hear I'm from Södertälje: "Sho brushan, peace lixom". Hahahha!)
Went back home to "Boslibotälje" Sunday morning to have a proper Easter dinner with my family! It was nice.
Drove home and decided to pay my dear friend Jill a visit since I had really missed her during the weekend!!
Took the bus to her place (she picked me up from the bus stop and we dropped Hanin, who had been there earlier, off) and made a quick stop at Shell to buy some Coke.
Picked Acke (who no longer has ANY hair on his head, apart from his eyebrows and eyelashes! I like his new look, though!) up and drove back home.
We played a game called Kuri Kuri Mix (about two bunny rabbits called Cream and Chestnut! How sweet isn't that!?!!) on PS2 and ate Doritos! Great fun!! SPAIF for life, innit!?
Stayed up all night and at one point happened to look out the window to discover that the world had gone fucking white again!! I FUCKING HATE SNOW!!!!! Fell asleep on the sofa at half seven in the morning, Acke went home.
Jill and I woke up at three in the afternoon and continued to play the rabbit game (sounds a bit weird, I know) and succeeded in defeating another two bosses! Boo-yah!
We had a really lazy day and had breakfast at six o'clock in the evening! Lovely! I love life!
Time to go home at half nine. Missed the effin bus coz it came too EARLY (yeah, you heard me, EARLY) and went back to Jill's in the blistering cold. Got warmed up and took the next bus home.
Told the busdriver she had a cool hair-do and made her day ; ) hahaha. Mission accomplished!
Had a shower, had a cup of coffee with my dad and my wonderful sisters and then I went up here to my room to write this! End of story!
Oh, by the way! I'm getting my tattoo done tomorrow!!! Aaaahh!!!
I've had a great time re-living last week writing this! Hope you enjoyed reading it!
Peace brushan! ; ) Spajf for lajf and snö sucks!
Darling, fan vad söt du är. (: KUL med en uppdatering ÄNTLIGEN! Dorritos for life ;) x charlejk. Verkligen.
OH, AND GOOD LUCK GETTING YOUR TATT. TOMORROW! I'll be holding your hand mentally! Luvies
thanks for writing in english, makes it easier for me to read!
Hope getting your tattoo went okay today.
KURI-KURI MIX!!! Känns helt sjukt att det har gått en vecka sedan den kvällen. Snö har blivit till sommar och ytterligare fler äventyr har utspelat sig. Vilket osökt leder mig in på frågan; Hur mår Frix så här denna lördagmorgon? Vi lär höras idag, ciao!
chärlejk (:
Betty Botter bought some butter
But she said the butter\'s bitter.
If I put it in my batter
It will make my batter bitter.
So, she bought some better butter,
Better than the bitter butter
And she put it in her batter
And her batter was not bitter.